
EXP: 08888
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TIME: {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}88




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{{annotation.word}} ({{annotation.pos_simplify}})






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{{lyricTraining.finished && lyricTraining.timed_out ? 'Timed Out' : 'Challenge Accomplished'}}

PERFECT HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS * 20}}
HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
REMAINING TIME {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}s +{{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}
TOTAL +{{lyricTraining.exp}}
{{word.word}} - {{dictionary.definition[0].phonetic || ("/" + dictionary.phonetics +"/")}} - {{word.translation}}

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  • {{tag.normal}} {{tag.pos_name}}

  • {{c.startTime | duration}}


All {{pos.pos_simplify}}
{{a.word ||}}

{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of VEINS in videos (15 in total of 214)

veins noun, plural underneath verb, non-3rd person singular present the determiner skin noun, singular or mass to to the determiner deep adjective veins noun, plural , which wh-determiner lie verb, non-3rd person singular present within preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner muscle noun, singular or mass compartment noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner skin noun, singular or mass , or coordinating conjunction in preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner perforator proper noun, singular veins noun, plural that wh-determiner connect verb, base form these determiner superficial adjective veins noun, plural to to the determiner deep adjective
so adverb following verb, gerund or present participle the determiner veins noun, plural over preposition or subordinating conjunction , we personal pronoun come verb, non-3rd person singular present to to look verb, base form at preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner veins noun, plural which wh-determiner join verb, non-3rd person singular present the determiner upper adjective limbs noun, plural .
an determiner ultrasound noun, singular or mass will modal allow verb, base form the determiner specialist noun, singular or mass to to look verb, base form at preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner deep adjective veins noun, plural , the determiner superficial adjective veins noun, plural
including verb, gerund or present participle the determiner veins noun, plural and coordinating conjunction when wh-adverb these determiner veins noun, plural contract verb, non-3rd person singular present they personal pronoun squeeze verb, non-3rd person singular present the determiner blood noun, singular or mass towards preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner upper adjective part noun, singular or mass
veins noun, plural of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner leg noun, singular or mass , sometimes adverb in preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner veins noun, plural of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner pelvis noun, plural , and coordinating conjunction this determiner is verb, 3rd person singular present a determiner great adjective concern noun, singular or mass because preposition or subordinating conjunction
called verb, past participle garden noun, singular or mass city noun, singular or mass on preposition or subordinating conjunction lower adjective, comparative mount verb, base form sharp adjective the determiner veins noun, plural combine verb, non-3rd person singular present light noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction dark adjective material noun, singular or mass the determiner veins noun, plural at preposition or subordinating conjunction this determiner
ultimately adverb , the determiner veins noun, plural of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner superficial adjective system noun, singular or mass drain noun, singular or mass to to the determiner veins noun, plural of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner deep adjective venous adjective system noun, singular or mass .
if preposition or subordinating conjunction you personal pronoun have verb, non-3rd person singular present more adverb, comparative severe adjective spider noun, singular or mass veins noun, plural or coordinating conjunction varicose noun, singular or mass veins noun, plural , it personal pronoun 's verb, 3rd person singular present actually adverb a determiner very adverb effective adjective treatment noun, singular or mass
varicose proper noun, singular veins noun, plural are verb, non-3rd person singular present dilated verb, past participle veins noun, plural that wh-determiner can modal appear verb, base form in preposition or subordinating conjunction different adjective areas noun, plural of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner body noun, singular or mass , but coordinating conjunction
in preposition or subordinating conjunction order noun, singular or mass to to understand verb, base form varicose noun, singular or mass veins noun, plural let verb, non-3rd person singular present 's possessive ending talk noun, singular or mass a determiner little adjective about preposition or subordinating conjunction how wh-adverb veins noun, plural normally adverb work verb, non-3rd person singular present veins noun, plural are verb, non-3rd person singular present
and coordinating conjunction like preposition or subordinating conjunction i personal pronoun said verb, past tense , there existential there are verb, non-3rd person singular present veins noun, plural inside preposition or subordinating conjunction of preposition or subordinating conjunction here adverb and coordinating conjunction the determiner veins noun, plural will modal transport verb, base form that determiner testosterone noun, singular or mass
you personal pronoun can modal tell verb, base form by preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner veins noun, plural see verb, non-3rd person singular present how wh-adverb the determiner veins noun, plural match verb, non-3rd person singular present perfectly adverb towards preposition or subordinating conjunction each determiner other adjective
travels verb, 3rd person singular present from preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner superficial adjective veins noun, plural that preposition or subordinating conjunction you personal pronoun can modal see verb, base form on preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner skin noun, singular or mass surface noun, singular or mass to to perforating verb, gerund or present participle veins noun, plural which wh-determiner
starting verb, gerund or present participle out preposition or subordinating conjunction it personal pronoun 's verb, 3rd person singular present really adverb great adjective to to go verb, base form for preposition or subordinating conjunction big adjective veins noun, plural like preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner one cardinal number i personal pronoun 'm verb, non-3rd person singular present showing verb, gerund or present participle here adverb big adjective visible adjective veins noun, plural

Use "veins" in a sentence | "veins" example sentences

How to use "veins" in a sentence?

  • love is a hawk with velvet claws love is a rock with heart and veins love is a lion with satin jaws love is a storm with silken reins
    -Kurt Vonnegut-
  • Anyone with any real blood in his or her veins cannot help being a fan. Being a true American and being a fan are synonymous.
    -Lillian Glaser-
  • In isolation I ruthlessly plow the deep silences, seeking my opportunities like a miner seeking veins of treasures. In what shallow glimmering space shall I find what glimmering glory?
    -Jamaica Kincaid-
  • We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization.
    -Martin Luther King, Jr.-
  • The fascination of what's difficult Has dried the sap out of my veins, and rent Spontaneous joy and natural content Out of my heart.
    -William Butler Yeats-
  • Love rushed into my veins emptying me of myself. Now filled with the Beloved my only possession is my name.
  • Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. It is easy, we think, to be loyal to a family and clan, whose blood is in your own veins.
    -Charles Alexander Eastman-
  • Patience is like ice cold water running through your veins, but our love will be immense
    -Alejandro Perez-
Special thanks to The Free Dictionary and azquotes for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of VEINS

What does "veins mean?"



any of tubes forming part of blood circulation system of body.
Tubes that return blood from the body to the heart.

What are synonyms of "veins"?
Some common synonyms of "veins" are:
  • layer,
  • lode,
  • seam,
  • stratum,
  • stratification,
  • bed,
  • deposit,
  • accumulation,
  • mood,
  • humor,
  • temper,
  • temperament,
  • disposition,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.


noun verb

sheet or thickness of material. arrange in layer or layers.



vein of metal ore in earth.


noun verb

line where two pieces of fabric are sewn together in garment. join with seam.



Layer of rock formed on top of each other.



arrangement or classification of different groups.



noun verb

Flat bottom surface of a lake, ocean etc.. settle down to sleep or rest.


noun verb

Concentration of mineral left by a river. (Of rivers) to leave a layer of minerals, etc..



acquisition or gradual gathering of something.


adjective noun

inducing particular mood. temporary state of mind.


noun other verb

quality of being amusing. To pretend to agree with so they don't get upset. To pretend to agree with so they don't get upset.


noun verb

Degree of calmness, or anger you display. improve hardness and elasticity of metal.



Person's nature or typical moods.



Legally transferring property to someone else.

Is "veins" countable or uncountable noun?

The word "veins" is a countable noun.

The word "veins" is the plural of "vein".