
EXP: 08888
HITS: {{lyricTraining.hits}}888
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TIME: {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}88




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{{annotation.word}} ({{annotation.pos_simplify}})






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{{lyricTraining.finished && lyricTraining.timed_out ? 'Timed Out' : 'Challenge Accomplished'}}

PERFECT HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS * 20}}
HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
REMAINING TIME {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}s +{{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}
TOTAL +{{lyricTraining.exp}}
{{word.word}} - {{dictionary.definition[0].phonetic || ("/" + dictionary.phonetics +"/")}} - {{word.translation}}

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Sentences & parts of speech:

  • {{tag.normal}} {{tag.pos_name}}

  • {{c.startTime | duration}}


All {{pos.pos_simplify}}
{{a.word ||}}

{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of SMALLEST in videos (15 in total of 566)

while preposition or subordinating conjunction it personal pronoun may modal not adverb seem verb, base form like preposition or subordinating conjunction much adjective the determiner smallest adjective, superlative form noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction hope noun, singular or mass the determiner smallest adjective, superlative desire noun, singular or mass to to believe verb, base form can modal be verb, base form the determiner
mouse proper noun, singular lemurs noun, plural are verb, non-3rd person singular present the determiner smallest adjective, superlative of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner lemurs noun, plural , and coordinating conjunction they personal pronoun are verb, non-3rd person singular present also adverb the determiner smallest adjective, superlative of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner primates noun, plural .
that wh-determiner 's verb, 3rd person singular present the determiner . . . because preposition or subordinating conjunction that wh-determiner 's verb, 3rd person singular present the determiner smallest adjective, superlative number noun, singular or mass which wh-determiner you personal pronoun can modal put verb, base form in preposition or subordinating conjunction this determiner register noun, singular or mass .
nauru proper noun, singular is verb, 3rd person singular present the determiner smallest adjective, superlative state noun, singular or mass in preposition or subordinating conjunction south adverb pacific proper noun, singular and coordinating conjunction third adjective smallest adjective, superlative state noun, singular or mass in preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner world noun, singular or mass after preposition or subordinating conjunction
this determiner would modal range verb, base form from preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner smallest adjective, superlative that preposition or subordinating conjunction stars noun, plural can modal be verb, base form , meaning verb, gerund or present participle the determiner smallest adjective, superlative amount noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction material noun, singular or mass
this determiner last adjective round noun, singular or mass yeah interjection it personal pronoun was verb, past tense lives noun, plural of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner smallest adjective, superlative year noun, singular or mass the determiner second adjective smallest adjective, superlative so preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner
smallest adjective, superlative cube noun, singular or mass has verb, 3rd person singular present the determiner smallest adjective, superlative volume noun, singular or mass at preposition or subordinating conjunction 0.001 cardinal number centimeters noun, plural cubed verb, past tense while preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner largest adjective, superlative cube noun, singular or mass has verb, 3rd person singular present
seriously adverb you personal pronoun are verb, non-3rd person singular present asking verb, gerund or present participle for preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner smallest adjective, superlative integer noun, singular or mass n proper noun, singular and coordinating conjunction then adverb the determiner smallest adjective, superlative answer noun, singular or mass is verb, 3rd person singular present 6156 cardinal number ready adjective
you personal pronoun re noun, singular or mass trying verb, gerund or present participle to to do verb, base form is verb, 3rd person singular present drive noun, singular or mass the determiner air noun, singular or mass down adverb to to the determiner smallest adjective, superlative amount noun, singular or mass , the determiner smallest adjective, superlative package noun, singular or mass ,
vatican proper noun, singular has verb, 3rd person singular present , by preposition or subordinating conjunction far adverb , the determiner smallest adjective, superlative population noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction any determiner country noun, singular or mass , and coordinating conjunction it personal pronoun is verb, 3rd person singular present also adverb the determiner smallest adjective, superlative
the determiner cutout noun, singular or mass - if preposition or subordinating conjunction not adverb the determiner smallest adjective, superlative , at preposition or subordinating conjunction least adjective, superlative one cardinal number of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner smallest adjective, superlative i personal pronoun ve proper noun, singular seen verb, past tense on preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner market noun, singular or mass .
into preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner smallest adjective, superlative smallest adjective, superlative task noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction then adverb just adverb doing verb, gerund or present participle that determiner task noun, singular or mass every determiner day noun, singular or mass like preposition or subordinating conjunction anything noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction
three cardinal number smallest adjective, superlative bones noun, plural in preposition or subordinating conjunction our possessive pronoun bodies noun, plural proper noun, singular the determiner hammer noun, singular or mass , anvil noun, singular or mass , and coordinating conjunction stirrup noun, singular or mass or coordinating conjunction malleus noun, singular or mass , incus noun, singular or mass ,
this determiner is verb, 3rd person singular present the determiner second adjective smallest adjective, superlative common adjective size noun, singular or mass , with preposition or subordinating conjunction 35 cardinal number watts noun, plural occupying verb, gerund or present participle the determiner smallest adjective, superlative spot noun, singular or mass , but coordinating conjunction
seventh adjective bride noun, singular or mass , a determiner habbat proper noun, singular - the determiner smallest adjective, superlative and coordinating conjunction the determiner weakest adjective, superlative , but coordinating conjunction the determiner only adverb one cardinal number not adverb utterly adverb

Use "smallest" in a sentence | "smallest" example sentences

How to use "smallest" in a sentence?

  • One of the great undiscovered joys of life comes from doing everything one attempts to the best of one's ability. The smallest task, well done, becomes a miracle of achievement.
    -Og Mandino-
  • Happiness,... even the smallest happiness, is like a step out of Time, and the greatest happiness is sharing in Eternity.
    -Josef Pieper-
  • The law of attraction which holds good for the heavenly bodies also holds good for the smallest particles.
    -Swami Vivekananda-
  • In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged.
  • Kindness is the music of Good Will to men, and on this harp the smallest fingers may play heaven's sweetest tunes on earth.
    -Elihu Burritt-
  • Even the smallest victory is never to be taken for granted. Each victory must be applauded.
    -Audre Lorde-
  • The smallest things become great when God requires them of us; they are small only in themselves; they are always great when they are done for God.
    -Francois Fenelon-
  • A true delineation of the smallest man is capable of interesting the greatest man.
    -Thomas Carlyle-
Special thanks to The Free Dictionary and azquotes for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of SMALLEST

What does "smallest mean?"



Least in amount or the least large in size.

What are synonyms of "smallest"?
Some common synonyms of "smallest" are:
  • little,
  • small-scale,
  • compact,
  • bijou,
  • portable,
  • tiny,
  • miniature,
  • mini,
  • minute,
  • microscopic,
  • microscale,
  • nanoscopic,
  • minuscule,
  • toy,
  • baby,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.


adjective adverb determiner noun

small. to small extent. small amount of. A person's name.

adjective noun verb

closely packed. Small case with face powder and a mirror. compress.


French word adjective noun

Beautiful or delicate, but small. small and elegant. jewel or trinket.


adjective noun

Light enough to be moved around with ease. A computer etc. that can be moved around easily.



Very, very small.


adjective noun verb

Made to be much smaller than normal. Very small painting, picture or portrait. represent on smaller scale.


adjective noun prefix

denoting miniature version of something. Small British car. Small.


adjective noun verb

Very very small. Notes taken at a meeting to record what was said. To record in writing what is said at a meeting.



Too small to be seen with the eyes.


adjective noun

On or characterized by a relatively small or detailed scale.. relatively small or detailed scale.


adjective noun

extremely small. minuscule script.



adjective noun verb

Something small in size compared to an original. object for child to play with. move or handle object absent-mindedly or nervously.


adjective noun verb

Small in size; smaller than usual. very young child. To treat someone as if they were newly born.

What are antonyms of "smallest"?
Some common antonyms of "smallest" are:
  • big,
  • large,
  • major,
  • substantial,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.



adjective noun verb

Large. major league in sport. praise or recommend.


adjective adverb verb

of considerable size, extent, etc.. undefined. enjoy oneself in lively way.


adjective noun verb

Important, serious, or large in scope, size. Main subject you study at university. specialize in subject.



Being strongly and firmly made or built.

Is "smallest" countable or uncountable noun?

The word "smallest" is an uncountable noun(mass noun).

Phrases and Idioms that contain "smallest"

the world's smallest violin

A hypothetical instrument that one claims to play in mock sympathy of someon ...

A hypothetical instrument that one claims to play in mock sympathy of someone thought to be complaining unnecessarily. Often accompanied by the gesture of rubbing the index finger and thumb together to "play" said violin.