
EXP: 08888
HITS: {{lyricTraining.hits}}888
STREAKS: {{lyricTraining.streaks}}888
TIME: {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}88




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{{annotation.word}} ({{annotation.pos_simplify}})






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{{lyricTraining.finished && lyricTraining.timed_out ? 'Timed Out' : 'Challenge Accomplished'}}

PERFECT HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS * 20}}
HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
REMAINING TIME {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}s +{{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}
TOTAL +{{lyricTraining.exp}}
{{word.word}} - {{dictionary.definition[0].phonetic || ("/" + dictionary.phonetics +"/")}} - {{word.translation}}

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Sentences & parts of speech:

  • {{tag.normal}} {{tag.pos_name}}

  • {{c.startTime | duration}}


All {{pos.pos_simplify}}
{{a.word ||}}

{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of INCREASINGLY in videos (15 in total of 191)

the determiner united verb, past participle states proper noun, singular , the determiner last adjective major adjective ideological adjective rival adjective to to the determiner soviet proper noun, singular union proper noun, singular , found verb, past tense itself personal pronoun increasingly adverb
at preposition or subordinating conjunction increasingly adverb steep adjective discounts noun, plural proper noun, singular reducing verb, gerund or present participle prices noun, plural by preposition or subordinating conjunction up preposition or subordinating conjunction to to 25 cardinal number % noun, singular or mass in preposition or subordinating conjunction order noun, singular or mass to to deleverage proper noun, singular .
by preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner late adjective 7th adjective and coordinating conjunction early adjective 6th adjective centuries noun, plural , however adverb , burials noun, plural had verb, past tense become verb, past participle increasingly adverb rare adjective , having verb, gerund or present participle
but coordinating conjunction as preposition or subordinating conjunction you personal pronoun make verb, non-3rd person singular present the determiner choice noun, singular or mass again adverb and coordinating conjunction again adverb , most adverb, superlative people noun, plural will modal find verb, base form themselves personal pronoun increasingly adverb
as preposition or subordinating conjunction american proper noun, singular military adjective might modal began verb, past tense to to exert verb, base form itself personal pronoun across preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner pacific proper noun, singular and coordinating conjunction japan proper noun, singular was verb, past tense increasingly adverb
so adverb that preposition or subordinating conjunction we personal pronoun can modal build verb, base form increasingly adverb more adverb, comparative complex adjective assets noun, plural within preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner metaverse proper noun, singular with preposition or subordinating conjunction less adjective, comparative and coordinating conjunction
increasingly adverb reclusive adjective not adverb leaving verb, gerund or present participle her possessive pronoun bedroom noun, singular or mass she personal pronoun would modal sit verb, base form in preposition or subordinating conjunction bed noun, singular or mass watching verb, gerund or present participle tv proper noun, singular throughout preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner
we personal pronoun specifically adverb think verb, non-3rd person singular present of preposition or subordinating conjunction it personal pronoun as preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner study noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction mechanical adjective or coordinating conjunction industrial adjective arts noun, plural , and coordinating conjunction increasingly adverb
increasingly adverb there existential there are verb, non-3rd person singular present cruises noun, plural which wh-determiner only adverb go verb, non-3rd person singular present to to cuba proper noun, singular , and coordinating conjunction you personal pronoun can modal often adverb do verb, base form
as preposition or subordinating conjunction a determiner society noun, singular or mass , we personal pronoun re noun, singular or mass increasingly adverb influenced verb, past participle by preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner idea noun, singular or mass that preposition or subordinating conjunction an determiner apocalypse noun, singular or mass could modal be verb, base form just adverb
in preposition or subordinating conjunction a determiner world noun, singular or mass going verb, gerund or present participle increasingly adverb for preposition or subordinating conjunction online adjective working noun, singular or mass , this determiner is verb, 3rd person singular present also adverb a determiner statement noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction intent noun, singular or mass .
over preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner past adjective few adjective years noun, plural , his possessive pronoun attention noun, singular or mass has verb, 3rd person singular present increasingly adverb focused verb, past participle on preposition or subordinating conjunction counterfeit noun, singular or mass drugs noun, plural .
not adverb initially adverb hired verb, past participle to to be verb, base form a determiner wrestler noun, singular or mass , as preposition or subordinating conjunction sable proper noun, singular became verb, past tense increasingly adverb famous adjective and coordinating conjunction transitioned verb, past tense
and coordinating conjunction increasingly adverb i personal pronoun 've verb, non-3rd person singular present been verb, past participle using verb, gerund or present participle it personal pronoun to to create verb, base form organize verb, base form and coordinating conjunction store noun, singular or mass my possessive pronoun different adjective creative adjective projects noun, plural
becomes verb, 3rd person singular present increasingly adverb important adjective when wh-adverb you personal pronoun actually adverb try verb, non-3rd person singular present to to read verb, base form laws noun, plural , or coordinating conjunction when wh-adverb you personal pronoun realize verb, non-3rd person singular present that preposition or subordinating conjunction

Use "increasingly" in a sentence | "increasingly" example sentences

How to use "increasingly" in a sentence?

  • We find greater lightness & ease in our lives as we increasingly care for ourselves & other beings.
    -Sharon Salzberg-
  • Bilingualism opens doors and provides opportunity to our children so they can shine and become successful in a labor market that is increasingly competitive and globalized.
    -Luis Fortuno-
  • I am becoming increasingly difficult to please as a reader, but I adore being surprised by a really wonderful book, written by someone I've never heard of before.
    -Alexandra Fuller-
  • And as we continue to improve our understanding of the basic science on which applications increasingly depend, material benefits of this and other kinds are secured for the future.
    -Henry Taube-
  • Increasingly, I'm inspired by entrepreneurs who run nonprofit organizations that fund themselves, or for-profit organizations that achieve social missions while turning a profit.
    -Ethan Zuckerman-
  • There are people who can achieve huge success in life, while adding a bit of fun and a splash of colour to this increasingly grey world.
    -Peter James-
  • I see a great future for gold and silver coins as the currency people may increasingly turn to when paper currencies begin to disintegrate.
    -Murray Rothbard-
  • A growing and increasingly influential movement of philosophers, ethicists, law professors and activists are convinced that the great moral struggle of our time will be for the rights of animals.
    -Michael Pollan-
Special thanks to The Free Dictionary and azquotes for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of INCREASINGLY

What does "increasingly mean?"



to increasing extent.

What are synonyms of "increasingly"?
Some common synonyms of "increasingly" are:
  • progressively,
  • growingly,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.



gradually and steadily.