
EXP: 08888
HITS: {{lyricTraining.hits}}888
STREAKS: {{lyricTraining.streaks}}888
TIME: {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}88




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{{annotation.word}} ({{annotation.pos_simplify}})






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{{lyricTraining.finished && lyricTraining.timed_out ? 'Timed Out' : 'Challenge Accomplished'}}

PERFECT HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS * 20}}
HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
REMAINING TIME {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}s +{{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}
TOTAL +{{lyricTraining.exp}}
{{word.word}} - {{dictionary.definition[0].phonetic || ("/" + dictionary.phonetics +"/")}} - {{word.translation}}

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Sentences & parts of speech:

  • {{tag.normal}} {{tag.pos_name}}

  • {{c.startTime | duration}}


All {{pos.pos_simplify}}
{{a.word ||}}

{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of GRADUALLY in videos (15 in total of 429)

the determiner active adjective young adjective nymphs noun, plural start verb, non-3rd person singular present out preposition or subordinating conjunction brown adjective , and coordinating conjunction transform verb, base form gradually adverb proper noun, singular taking verb, gerund or present participle on particle a determiner little adjective
we personal pronoun do verb, non-3rd person singular present not adverb want verb, base form our possessive pronoun freedom noun, singular or mass gradually adverb , but coordinating conjunction we personal pronoun want verb, non-3rd person singular present to to be verb, base form free adjective now adverb .
- gradually adverb increase noun, singular or mass the determiner intensity noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner massage noun, singular or mass to to improve verb, base form blood noun, singular or mass flow noun, singular or mass in preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner scalp noun, singular or mass .
up preposition or subordinating conjunction out preposition or subordinating conjunction of preposition or subordinating conjunction its possessive pronoun stupor noun, singular or mass , gradually adverb transforming verb, gerund or present participle it personal pronoun from preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner laughingstock noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner allied verb, past participle armies noun, plural
we personal pronoun could modal , then adverb , be verb, base form currently adverb surrounded verb, past participle by preposition or subordinating conjunction higher adjective, comparative powers noun, plural - to to some determiner degree noun, singular or mass - gradually adverb
gradually adverb over preposition or subordinating conjunction time noun, singular or mass , the determiner therapists noun, plural , the determiner rehabilitation noun, singular or mass folks noun, plural , will modal try verb, base form to to help verb, base form drive verb, base form greater adjective, comparative recovery noun, singular or mass
so preposition or subordinating conjunction this determiner is verb, 3rd person singular present a determiner slow adjective process noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction gradually adverb introducing verb, gerund or present participle moisture noun, singular or mass into preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner paper noun, singular or mass , fibers noun, plural will modal gradually adverb
> noun, singular or mass > noun, singular or mass she personal pronoun chose verb, past tense two cardinal number eyeshadows noun, plural . . . > noun, singular or mass > noun, singular or mass a determiner pink adjective and coordinating conjunction a determiner blue adjective that preposition or subordinating conjunction she personal pronoun would modal gradually adverb
proper noun, singular including verb, gerund or present participle a determiner lot noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner terminology noun, singular or mass used verb, past participle in preposition or subordinating conjunction this determiner video noun, singular or mass proper noun, singular then adverb gradually adverb ramp noun, singular or mass things noun, plural
and coordinating conjunction the determiner people noun, plural who wh-pronoun gradually adverb awaken noun, singular or mass through preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner discourse noun, singular or mass between preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner truth noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction fallacies noun, plural ,
> noun, singular or mass > noun, singular or mass after preposition or subordinating conjunction working verb, gerund or present participle really adverb hard adjective in preposition or subordinating conjunction physical adjective therapy noun, singular or mass i personal pronoun was verb, past tense able adjective to to start verb, base form gradually adverb running verb, gerund or present participle .
the determiner middle noun, singular or mass is verb, 3rd person singular present in preposition or subordinating conjunction focus noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction then adverb it personal pronoun gradually adverb gets verb, 3rd person singular present out preposition or subordinating conjunction of preposition or subordinating conjunction focus noun, singular or mass going verb, gerund or present participle up preposition or subordinating conjunction , and coordinating conjunction it personal pronoun gradually adverb
games noun, plural - that wh-determiner have verb, non-3rd person singular present gradually adverb rounded verb, past participle out preposition or subordinating conjunction an determiner entire adjective fictional adjective universe noun, singular or mass - all determiner pinned verb, past participle together adverb
- yes interjection . - i personal pronoun remember verb, non-3rd person singular present the determiner place noun, singular or mass gradually adverb being verb, gerund or present participle decorated verb, past participle and coordinating conjunction open adjective . - yeah interjection , well adverb , we personal pronoun met verb, past tense
lot noun, singular or mass at preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner beginning verb, gerund or present participle to to take verb, base form notes noun, plural and coordinating conjunction meetings noun, plural and coordinating conjunction then adverb gradually adverb i personal pronoun just adverb

Use "gradually" in a sentence | "gradually" example sentences

How to use "gradually" in a sentence?

  • All good virtues and goodness itself will gradually find their true home in the heart in which love dwells, and all other qualities will wither and die
    -Harold Klemp-
  • Gradually I became aware that professing English because I loved poems was like practicing vivisection because I loved dogs.
    -Michael Donaghy-
  • Even the least work done for others awakens the power within; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart the strength of a lion.
    -Swami Vivekananda-
  • It’s funny, most people can be around someone and then gradually begin to love them and never know exactly when it happened
    -Fannie Flagg-
  • He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed.
  • If Jesus heals instantly, praise Him. If Jesus heals gradually, trust Him. When Jesus heals ultimately, you will understand.
    -Max Lucado-
  • My hair got lighter, and I gradually went blonde. I liked it. Had more fun. But my image of myself in my head is this dark-haired person.
    -Lisa Kudrow-
  • The idea of winning a doctor's degree gradually assumed the aspect of a great moral struggle, and the moral fight possessed immense attraction for me.
    -Elizabeth Blackwell-
Special thanks to The Free Dictionary and azquotes for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of GRADUALLY

What does "gradually mean?"



Occurring in a slow manner over a period of time.

What are synonyms of "gradually"?
Some common synonyms of "gradually" are:
  • slowly,
  • moderately,
  • unhurriedly,
  • cautiously,
  • gently,
  • gingerly,
  • circumspectly,
  • unspectacularly,
  • piecemeal,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.



at slow speed.



A reasonable or fair degree.


Without haste.



In a manner to avoid risk or danger.



with mild, kind, or tender manner.


adjective adverb

showing great care or caution. in careful or cautious manner.


In a cautious, prudent or discreet manner.


adjective adverb

characterized by partial measures taken over period of time. through partial measures taken over period of time.

What are antonyms of "gradually"?
Some common antonyms of "gradually" are:
  • suddenly,
  • abruptly,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.



In an unexpected or very quick manner.



Suddenly; without warning.