
EXP: 08888
HITS: {{lyricTraining.hits}}888
STREAKS: {{lyricTraining.streaks}}888
TIME: {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}88




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{{annotation.word}} ({{annotation.pos_simplify}})






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{{lyricTraining.finished && lyricTraining.timed_out ? 'Timed Out' : 'Challenge Accomplished'}}

PERFECT HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS * 20}}
HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
REMAINING TIME {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}s +{{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}
TOTAL +{{lyricTraining.exp}}
{{word.word}} - {{dictionary.definition[0].phonetic || ("/" + dictionary.phonetics +"/")}} - {{word.translation}}

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Sentences & parts of speech:

  • {{tag.normal}} {{tag.pos_name}}

  • {{c.startTime | duration}}


All {{pos.pos_simplify}}
{{a.word ||}}

{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of SIMMERING in videos (15 in total of 27)

this determiner soup noun, singular or mass needs verb, 3rd person singular present just adverb under preposition or subordinating conjunction an determiner hour noun, singular or mass simmering verb, gerund or present participle to to allow verb, base form the determiner peas noun, plural to to split verb, base form .
make verb, base form sure adjective the determiner ikameshi proper noun, singular are verb, non-3rd person singular present always adverb covered verb, past participle with preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner broth noun, singular or mass for preposition or subordinating conjunction 30 cardinal number minutes noun, plural while preposition or subordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle .
take verb, base form about particle a determiner pound noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction skinless adjective , boneless adjective chicken noun, singular or mass thighs noun, plural and coordinating conjunction submerge verb, base form them personal pronoun into preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner simmering verb, gerund or present participle
one cardinal number summer noun, singular or mass all determiner four cardinal number are verb, non-3rd person singular present confronted verb, past participle by preposition or subordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle emotions noun, plural that wh-determiner have verb, non-3rd person singular present been verb, past participle mounting verb, gerund or present participle between preposition or subordinating conjunction them personal pronoun
all determiner four cardinal number are verb, non-3rd person singular present confronted verb, past participle by preposition or subordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle emotions noun, plural , that wh-determiner have verb, non-3rd person singular present been verb, past participle mounting verb, gerund or present participle between preposition or subordinating conjunction them personal pronoun and coordinating conjunction each determiner
simmering verb, gerund or present participle , or coordinating conjunction more adjective, comparative , you personal pronoun can modal really adverb let verb, base form this determiner simmer noun, singular or mass all determiner day noun, singular or mass if preposition or subordinating conjunction you personal pronoun want verb, non-3rd person singular present , but coordinating conjunction
great adjective for preposition or subordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle sauces noun, plural or coordinating conjunction melting verb, gerund or present participle chocolate noun, singular or mass without preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner worry noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction burning verb, gerund or present participle the determiner bottom noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction
for preposition or subordinating conjunction delicate adjective cooking noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction can modal go verb, base form as adverb low adjective as preposition or subordinating conjunction 300 cardinal number btus proper noun, singular perfect adjective for preposition or subordinating conjunction those determiner simmering verb, gerund or present participle
so adverb take verb, base form the determiner dashi proper noun, singular and coordinating conjunction add verb, base form the determiner taremiso proper noun, singular and coordinating conjunction warm adjective it personal pronoun to to just adverb before preposition or subordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle .
then adverb , making verb, gerund or present participle sure adjective your possessive pronoun sauce noun, singular or mass is verb, 3rd person singular present very adverb hot adjective and coordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle , pour verb, base form the determiner mixture noun, singular or mass directly adverb over preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner garnish adjective .
then adverb in preposition or subordinating conjunction a determiner small adjective saucepan noun, singular or mass mix noun, singular or mass together adverb the determiner golden adjective syrup noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction water noun, singular or mass , and coordinating conjunction heat noun, singular or mass until preposition or subordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle .
because preposition or subordinating conjunction you personal pronoun can modal tell verb, base form these determiner bones noun, plural have verb, non-3rd person singular present been verb, past participle simmering verb, gerund or present participle here adverb for preposition or subordinating conjunction a determiner long adjective , long adjective time noun, singular or mass .
now adverb that preposition or subordinating conjunction our possessive pronoun ribs noun, plural are verb, non-3rd person singular present resting verb, gerund or present participle and coordinating conjunction our possessive pronoun sauce noun, singular or mass is verb, 3rd person singular present simmering verb, gerund or present participle , it personal pronoun 's verb, 3rd person singular present time noun, singular or mass to to prepare verb, base form our possessive pronoun smoker noun, singular or mass .
is verb, 3rd person singular present what wh-pronoun i personal pronoun have verb, non-3rd person singular present simmering verb, gerund or present participle here adverb all predeterminer this determiner was verb, past tense with preposition or subordinating conjunction some determiner leftover noun, singular or mass garlic noun, singular or mass and coordinating conjunction herb noun, singular or mass
partially adverb covering verb, gerund or present participle and coordinating conjunction simmering verb, gerund or present participle for preposition or subordinating conjunction two cardinal number hours noun, plural thickening verb, gerund or present participle with preposition or subordinating conjunction cornstarch noun, singular or mass at preposition or subordinating conjunction the determiner end noun, singular or mass of preposition or subordinating conjunction cooking noun, singular or mass now adverb

Use "simmering" in a sentence | "simmering" example sentences

How to use "simmering" in a sentence?

  • The universe is simmering down, like a giant stew left to cook for four billion years. Sooner or later we won’t be able to tell the carrots from the onions.
    -Arthur Bloch-
  • Cooking is an act of love, a gift, a way of sharing with others the little secrets -- 'piccoli segreti' -- that are simmering on the burners.
    -Sophia Loren-
  • A dream is always simmering below the conventional surface of speech and reflection.
    -George Santayana-
  • She would not shed a tear, she would not waste the rest of her years simmering in the maggot broth of memory.
    -Gabriel Garcia Marquez-
  • Soup simmering, music of idle gossip, yammering kids, domestic chaos - long adjusted to this rolling scene, you show them your lofty calm.
    -Gottfried Keller-
  • Once, I was a master at recycling leftovers. Now I cultivate the art of simmering memories.
    -Jean-Dominique Bauby-
  • Any happiness, no matter how brief, seemed better than the long, simmering torture of waking up day after day, knowing I could never have him.
    -Becca Fitzpatrick-
  • I mean, to me, freaking out is different. More of a running away, not telling anyone what's wrong, slowly simmering until you burst kind of thing.
    -Sarah Dessen-
Special thanks to The Free Dictionary and azquotes for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of SIMMERING

What does "simmering mean?"



(of water or food that is being heated) stay just below boiling point while bubbling gently.

What are synonyms of "simmering"?
Some common synonyms of "simmering" are:
  • stew,
  • poach,
  • bubble,
  • seethe,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.


noun verb

Type of dish mixing meat, vegetables, and gravy. (of food) cook or be cooked slowly in liquid in closed dish.



To catch or kill animals on prohibited land.


noun verb

sphere of liquid enclosing gas. (of liquid) contain bubbles.



bubble up as result of being boiled.